Protective Equipment Policy
Unfortunately due to recent non-compliance with the use of protective hockey equipment, North London Sports Association has implemented suspensions for non-compliance. It's everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the players and coaches.
All players, including goaltenders, shall always wear full hockey equipment anytime they are on North London Sports Association sanctioned ice.
All players, including goaltenders, shall wear a CSA approved hockey helmet to which a CSA approved hockey facial protector must be attached and not altered in any way. The chin strap of the helmet shall be securely fastened under the chin. Penalties shall be assessed in accordance with OHF rules.
All players, including goaltenders, shall wear an approved throat protector, properly fastened and not altered in any manner. A minor penalty shall be assessed to any player who is on the ice and is in violation of this regulation.
NOTE: If a goaltender chooses to wear a neck guard as well as a throat protector, the neck guard must be fastened in a manner so that it provides protection to the throat/neck area. It may not be fastened or altered in any manner that will void the CSA approval of the mask and/or helmet.
All team officials, on ice helpers, outside instructors and NCCP Instructors must wear a CSA approved helmet during all sanctioned on-ice instruction and activities. The chin strap of the helmet shall be securely fastened under the chin. Failure to comply may result in the suspension of the offending party by the home Association or ALLIANCE Hockey. In accordance to the ALLIANCE Policy re: Helmet Use For on-Ice Personnel including NCCP Instructors.
Failure to comply with these rules presents both an insurance and a risk management issue for North London Sports Association. As a result you will receive one warning, second offence will be a one game suspension and third offense will be a three game suspension.