North London Sports Association Inc.
The provisions of this Policy are intended to complement the By-laws of the Corporation and the existing North London Sports Association (NLSA) Code of Conduct.
2.01 Member Responsibilities
Each Member that volunteers for a role in the Corporation is responsible to:
(a) Be informed of the documents under which the NLSA operates, its By-laws, mission, values, codes of conduct, and policies;
(b) Exercise respect, care, diligence and skill in dealing with Directors, Officers, Coaches, Convenors, opposing team coaches, parents, players and all members of the NLSA;
(c) In the performance of volunteer duties, not be influenced by self-interest, outside pressure, expectation of reward or fear of criticism;
(d) Act with honesty and integrity with zero tolerance for bullying, threats, and/or violence towards others;
(e) Comply with all other codes and policies of the Corporation and its governing bodies.
2.02 Directors & Officers
Notwithstanding the responsibilities of Members, a Director or Officer of the NLSA will at all times bear the additional responsibilities to:
(a) Support the objectives of the Corporation and follows its By-laws and Polices;
(b) Bring credibility and goodwill to the Corporation;
(c) Demonstrate good faith, prudent judgment, honesty, transparency and openness
(d) Communicate with fellow Directors and Officers in a respectful and appropriate manner;
(e) Ensure that the financial affairs of the Corporation are conducted in a responsible and transparent manner with due regard for fiduciary responsibilities and public trusteeship;
(f) Exercise vigilance for and declare any apparent or real personal conflict of interest in accordance with the Corporation’s By-laws and policies)
(g) Maintain confidentiality of Board of Director meetings, and;
(h) Attend Board meeting, serve on committees of the Board and become an active participant in a board that functions effectively as a whole.
(i) Comply with their officers’ agreement with the Corporation.
3.01 Integrity
These Conflict of Interest Guidelines are intended to ensure the highest standards and maintenance of the integrity. All members that undertake a volunteer role in the Corporation shall act at all times in the best interests of the NLSA placing the interests of the NLSA and the children ahead of any personal interest or the interest of any other person or entity. It also means performing volunteer duties and transacting the affairs of the NLSA in such a manner that promotes public confidence and trust in the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of the minor hockey in London.
3.02 No Pecuniary Benefit
No volunteer of the Corporation, shall;
(a) Directly or indirectly receive any profit from their position. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, such volunteers may receive reasonable honorarium for their services and reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as permitted in the By-laws and approved by the Board.
(b) The pecuniary interests of immediate family members (including the immediate family members of an official’s partner) or close personal or business associates are considered to also be the pecuniary interests of the volunteer.
3.03 Definition of Conflict of Interest
(a) A conflict of interest refers to situations in which personal, occupational or financial considerations may affect, or appear to affect, objectivity, judgment or ability to act in the best interests or complete the fiduciary responsibilities of volunteers to the NLSA.
(b) A conflict of interest may be real, potential or perceived in nature.
(c) A real conflict of interest arises where a member has a private or personal interest, for example, a close family connection or financial interest.
(d) A perceived or apparent conflict of interest may exist when a reasonable, well-informed person has a reasonable belief that a member has a conflict of interest, even if there is no real conflict. (e) Full disclosure, in itself, does not remove a conflict of interest.
3.04 Examples of Conflict of Interest
(a) Any circumstance that may result in a personal or financial benefit to a member volunteer or their family, business associate or friend. This includes, but is not limited to, accepting any payment for services rendered to the NLSA or its members or suppliers in relation to the activities of the Corporation other than payment for services permitted under the policies of the NLSA.
(b) Being a member of the Board or staff of another entity or organization which might have material interests that conflict with the interests of the Corporation or its Members; and dealing with matters on one board which might materially affect the other board.
(c) A Director or Officer (or family member, business partner, or friend) seeking, accepting or receiving any personal benefit from a supplier, vendor or any individual or organization doing or seeking business with the NLSA.
3.05 Conflict of Interest Disclosure
(a) Members who volunteer must openly disclose a potential, real or perceived conflict of interest as soon as the issue arises and before the Board or its committees deal with the matter at issue.
(b) If the Member is not certain whether he/she is in a conflict of interest position, they must disclose the facts and the Board will determine by majority vote if a conflict exists.
3.06 Gifts and Hospitality
Volunteers shall not directly or indirectly offer or accept cash payments, gifts, gratuities, privileges or other personal rewards, which are intended to influence the activities or affairs of the NLSA and/or team budgets.
3.07 The conflict of interest guidelines shall not apply in respect of payments made to members who volunteer for roles with the NLSA where such payments are approved by the NLSA Board of Directors or where such payments are otherwise permitted pursuant to the policies of the NLSA. Payments include, but are not limited to, honorariums, reimbursement of costs incurred to undertake the volunteer position, and payment for services rendered to the NLSA. Payments may be approved by the Board of Directors through the annual budget process and/or at any point in time otherwise required at the discretion of the Board.
3.08 Notwithstanding the conflict of interest guidelines, the Board of Directors may set aside the application of the guidelines, at the discretion of the Board, where such application creates an unintended result in contradiction to the best interests of the NLSA.
4.01 Confidential Information
It is the responsibility of Directors and Officers to maintain the confidentiality of Board meetings and respect the time-line for the disclosure of decisions and updated policies to the membership. Directors and Officers must, both while having and after ceasing to have that status, treat as confidential all information regarding the policies, internal operations, systems, business or affairs of the Corporation obtained by reason of his/her status as a Director and not generally available to the public. A Director or Officer shall not use information obtained as a result of their involvement on the Board for personal benefit. Each Director or Officer shall avoid activities which may create appearances that they have benefited from confidential information received during the course of their duties as a Director or Officer.