Application Coach/Manager of Travel Permit
1) Visit www.minorhockeyforms.com and register for an account if you do not already have one, or login if you do already have one.
2) Search for your Association and/or click on your Association in the list provided.
3) Choose the form that you want to complete – the ALLIANCE Hockey Non-ALLIANCE Tournament Permit Request Form in this case.
4) Complete the form in full.
5) Once approved, you will receive an email with instructions to return to the site and download a completed Permit as a PDF which you will be able to email to the tournament (and/or print and bring with you).
9.0 Travel Permit Policy
9.1 What is an ALLIANCE Travel Permit?
.1 A Travel Permit is an administrative form that is used for teams that wish to participate in games that are not a part of their regularly scheduled season. It essentially gives them “permission” to travel to participate in competition.
9.2 When is an ALLIANCE Travel Permit required?
.1 All non-ALLIANCE scheduled game.
.2 All Tournaments (ALLIANCE, GTHL, OMHA, NOHA, outside OHF, USA Hockey)
.3 All exhibition games
.4 ALLIANCE House League, Select and MD Championships
9.3 When is an ALLIANCE Travel Permit not required?
.1 Regular Season Games
.2 ALLIANCE Playoffs and Play-downs
.3 OHF and HC Championships
9.4 Why are ALLIANCE Travel Permits required?
.1 To ensure that teams are only participating against HC sanctioned teams (there were many circumstances in past seasons in which ALLIANCE teams participated against non-HC teams). Participation against non-HC sanctioned teams or unapproved travel may result in the forfeiture of HC insurance coverage. They are also used to track participation for ALLIANCE teams for local associations.
9.5 Must an ALLIANCE Travel Permit be used?
.1 Yes. These forms contain all of the relevant information per ALLIANCE Administrative and HC procedures. Please ensure that ALLIANCE forms are used, not local forms.
9.6 Payment – What does a Travel Permit cost?
.1 ALLIANCE Tournaments and Exhibition Game Travel Permits – are electronic permits and a one (1)-part form, there is no cost;
.2 Out of Branch (i.e. OMHA, GTHL, NOHA, etc.) or Out of Country Travel. This form is on-line web-link at a cost of $5.00 per form.
.3 Some Associations may choose to charge an administrative fee for both forms of Travel Permits.
9.7 Procedures
.1 ALLIANCE approval for both non-ALLIANCE as well as Exhibition and ALLIANCE tournaments has been pre-approved.
.2 ALLIANCE team Coach or Manager completes the on-line travel permit form to ALLIANCE Council Member or designate for final approval;
.3 ALLIANCE Council Member or designate rep reviews form – approves / denies, and then the e-mail notification is sent to the requestor that it’s been approved / denied with instruction that they need to go back to the site to download the PDF.
.4 Each ALLIANCE Council Member is provided with a list of non- Hockey Canada Associations;
.5 A report can be generated at any time by Association Rep and Alliance Hockey. Alliance Hockey will invoice associations at the conclusion of the season.
.6 Team Officials/Teams/Associations that do not comply with ALLIANCE Travel and Tournament Procedures may be suspended or further disciplined. Teams will not have HC insurance coverage if a Travel Permit/Tournament Travel Permit is not completed.