Nov 10, 2013 | NHaggerty | 608 views
An Awesome Win!
What a game!
The White Knights held off a fierce SSE 33 team to win a heart stopping 2 to 1...
The White Knights had an awesome game this Saturday. The SSE 33 team was fast and fierce on the ice. But thanks to a great team effort from both the offence and defence and our goaltender who was covering the net with great stretching and diving, the White Knights emerged victorious.
The team can be proud of a great effort with constant pressure from the forwards, digging and going after the puck while doing a good job sticking to their positions. Never letting SSE forwards rest, the guys in front covered the full ice, popping the puck off the sticks of the SSE team. On defence, great efforts were made to move the puck to the boards and clear it from our zone - which led to lots of SSE frustration!!
Up 2 to 0 by the middle of the third, SSE scored, but undeterred, our White Knights played hard right till the end of the game, protecting their lead, supporting the defence and the game was won!!!
Way to go White Knights!!!!