2023-2024 U7 Initiation Program, News, White Group, 2023-2024, U7 (North London Nationals Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 21, 2023 | Chris Johnston | 171 views
2023-2024 U7 Initiation Program

Hello U7/IP families. 

We are excited for this year's U7 program and the available spots are filling up fast.  If you haven't registered your child yet, or if your child wants friends to be included this season's U7 program, please register ASAP before our program fills up.
Prior hockey experience is not a requirement, but we do not operate as a learn to skate program, so kids should at least able to get up on their own and shuffle around in skates and full hockey gear unassisted.

For those families that have children registered, we will send out an information e-mail in the next couple of weeks. 

All players must be registered with North London prior to stepping on the ice. 
Information about registration can be found here.  

One parent/guardian from the family must complete the “Respect in Sports - Parents” online program prior to the assessment skates. Instructions can be found here.

Assessment Skates
The first two ice sessions of the program are for assessment purposes. Skaters are divided into three groups by age. Skaters will be given a white or blue numbered jersey when they arrive to the first assessment skate.  This jersey is to be kept for the assessment period and returned after the assessment skates. Players are responsible to bring their own hockey socks for the first four skates and be fully dressed in Hockey Canada/Alliance Hockey approved hockey gear. (Please note, a mouth guard is recommended, but not required.) Once the assessments are complete, skaters will be separated into three groups for the remainder of the season; known as red, blue and white group.  Early in the season we will assign Timbits jerseys and hockey socks, which work out to four different coloured 'teams' per group. White and blue assessment jerseys are exchanged for Timbit's coloured jerseys and hockey socks at this point. 

Assessment Ice Times:

** Due to the large number of players, it is essential that players only attend the times designated for them. **
Note: Each group's ice times rotate each day.

As always, the schedule is subject to change.  Please always refer to the North London Nationals U7/IP website calendar: https://northlondonhockey.ca/Categories/1751/Calendar/

Saturday September 23rd 2023 Carling Arena, Pad A

·         8:00am-8:50am: Assessment Group 2:  DOB: November 1st 2017 – September 30th 2018

·         9:00am-9:50am: Assessment Group 1: DOB: January 1st 2017 - October 31st 2017

·         10:00am-10:50pm: Assessment Group 3: DOB: October 1st 2018 - December 31st 2020

Sunday September 24th 2023 Carling Arena, Pad A

·         8:00am-8:50am: Assessment Group 1: DOB: January 1st 2017 - October 31st 2017 

·         9:00am-9:50am: Assessment Group 2: DOB: November 1st 2017 – September 30th 2018

·         10:00am-10:50pm: Assessment Group 3: DOB: October 1st 2018 - December 31st 2020


Season Outlook
After assessment skates, a typical season runs from early October to late March.  Expect two, 50-minute ice times per week on Saturday and Sunday mornings at Carling Arena. Although we don’t have a firm schedule yet, start times have historically been 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am. All U7 groups rotate to a different ice time every week. 

Lead Coaches and On-Ice Helpers Needed
North London Nationals Minor Hockey Association depends on volunteers to operate a successful minor hockey program. If you did not indicate you were interested in helping out when you filled out your child's registration, but you are now interested in helping out on the ice as a Lead Coach or an On-ice Helper, please send an e-mail to the U7/IP Convenor at [email protected] and include your child's name.  If you have already indicated in your child's registration that you are interested in helping on the ice, there's no need to send an e-mail, we will contact you soon to begin planning for the upcoming season. 
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