Nov 19, 2018 | Todd Thompson | 748 views
North London Tournament
I am very happy with the team's performance from this past week-end. There were some tight scores, but in the end, I really felt we controlled the majority of the games and play. Losing in a shoot-out is always heart-breaking,
but in consolation after the game, the Hamilton coaches congratulated us on making what they considered to be the real championship.
In practice and in future games we will continue to work on fundamentals, individual tactics, and further develop team strategy, play and execution. A parent meeting will take place shortly to discuss possible end game scenarios and strategies. You should be present at that meeting if you have concerns, comments, criticisms, and compliments. If you are not comfortable to vocally express any of these feelings and you wish to remain anonymous, you may write down any issue and drop it in a box at the start of the meeting and I promise to read the concern and address it before the meeting ends.