Team Volunteer Positions, News, Atom, 2015-2016, MD (North London Nationals Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 27, 2015 | Sean Mackintosh | 1249 views
Team Volunteer Positions
I am just following up to our parent meeting and want to thank all those that have stepped up to volunteer. Some of you are volunteering in a number of capacities and that is greatly appreciated. I know that we will have another great year in large part due to all the assistance spread across the group.


So here is the official list of positions:


Fundraising Coordination Team

Jennifer Jackson, David Blandford, Samantha Kraft

Parent Rep

Todd Jackson


Sean Wheatley

Dressing Room Key (practice/games) and Sponsor Sign for Door (games)

Karen Bowery

Water Bottles

Karen Bowery

Game Pucks

Sean Mackintosh(I decided to hang on to this job as I remembered having to remove a few bad pucks from time to time … for no obvious reason to others but for a similar reason for why I did not wash my shirt during the 9 or so game winning streak in the playoffs last year – hopefully only the coaches were able to figure that out.)

Home Jerseys (Blue)

Heath Family

Away Jerseys (White)

Vilos Family


Rob Mazurek

Home timekeeper/game sheet

Rob Mazurek, Mark Verbeem, David Blandford, Barry Heath


Lisa Mazurek

Management Team

Catherine Lane, Erica Serratore, Rob Mazurek

Dressing Room Parents

Sean Wheatley, Jennifer Wheatley, Mark Verbeem and Jon Bowery (DJ)


Sean Mackintosh, Dean Mailloux, John Keating, Darryl Kraft (Trainer),Sean Wheatley (Back-up Trainer), Mike Demelo (on-ice)
