2001 Minor Bantam MD - Additional Entry, News, NorthRidge Min. Bantam, 2014-2015, MD (North London Nationals Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 11, 2014 | kroutley | 1224 views
2001 Minor Bantam MD - Additional Entry
Due to the loss of the West London entry within the 2001 West MD League, the GLHA needs to field another team to maintain a 6 team league.  

Since North has the most players displaced in the 2001 age group, North was asked to host the try-out for this team.  This will be an open try-out for players from any association within the city looking to play MD.  Players are asked to contact their local association for permission to attend the try-out and to establish a one year release requirement.  

We are seeking coaches from any area of the city to lead this team.  If you are interested in coaching this team, please send your expression of interest to Mike Goring - North London MD Competitive Representative ([email protected]) by Sunday and he will forward you a coaching application.

The try-out schedule for this team will begin after the North London 2001 MD try-out and be posted shortly on the team site.  We are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to players.  

Kevin Routley, President
North London Hockey

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