Tryout & Prep Skate Information for the 2025-26 Season
Tryout Registration for the North London Nationals will open on April 14, 2025. Read through the information below before registering.
Tryout registration will be completed through the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR - Spordle) for the following teams:
U16 BB(2010), U15BB(2011), U14BB(2012), U13BB(2013), U12BB(2014), U11BB(2015) and U10BB(2016)
Registration in this association is accepted by the recognized GLHA boundaries for BB Representative Hockey.
The tryout fee is $65. Players will NOT be allowed on the ice until they complete registration through HCR.
Tryouts begin on Saturday, May 10, 2025. Registration will remain open until this date for late releases from London Junior Mustangs.
Please do not register with North London until your player has been released from the LJK and/or LJM tryout process.
Your player does not need to participate in BB tryouts to be eligible to play House League Select in the 2025-2026 season.
Prep Phase Skates
North London Nationals are offering Prep Phase Skates for RETURNING North London Nationals players only (must have been registered to a GLHA team in 2024-2025 season) and who are attending ONLY North London Nationals tryouts in U10BB to U16BB.
The cost of prep skates is $80 for four sessions. You can register for prep skates when you complete tryout registration; however, spots are LIMITED.
For these skates, age groups are combined; (U10 and U11), (U12 and U13), (U14, U15 and U16).
These skates are OPTIONAL and are NOT part of the evaluation process. Your player is NOT required to attend these sessions. Rob Drummond (RD Hockey), Snipe Academy and Paul McLean (PMC Skating) will lead the sessions.
Evaluations for U18(2008/2009), U9(2017), and U8(2018) will occur in September, 2025. Registration for these tryouts will open on June 1, 2025.
Please contact the North London Hockey registrar if you have any questions or require further information.
[email protected]