
Finding the right equipment can sometimes be a challenge with so many options available on the market. Your most important decision before starting hockey should be to purchase properly fitted and comfortable equipment. When equipment is not suitably fitted, the player may be injured. This starts from the undergarments to the type of stick your child will use.
Three important factors should be stressed when evaluating hockey equipment; that the equipment is in good condition, that the equipment is well maintained throughout its life span and that the equipment fits properly. ‘Hand-me-downs’ are a great way to save money but be sure to carefully inspect the items to ensure they are safe to wear. Plan a budget for purchasing equipment. The most expensive equipment is not always necessarily the best for your child.
We recommend you consult a professional sporting goods retailer for advice before you purchase any product.
Hockey Canada offers an excellent resources on safety in hockey on their website: Downloads and resources to help keep hockey safe
Video about Equipment Fitting