Before Tournament:
1) Tournament Approval - North London must approve all tournaments you wish to attend.
2) Official Roster - You will need a copy of your teams Alliance Official Team Roster from the NLSA Registrar.
3) Travel Permit - Complete and submit Travel Permit Request as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute!
After Tournament:
HL Teams
1) Complete mandatory Tournament Report (HL) form, photocopy all game sheets, staple as a package and deposit into a game sheet box in a local arena.
2) Complete and submit mandatory NLSA Suspension Report Form, if any (located in Team Manager Area).
MD Teams
1) Complete mandatory Tournament Report (MD) form, photocopy all game sheets, staple as a package and deposit into a game sheet box in a local arena. For the game sheet box they are sent to Alliance office (Chad Houben)
2) Complete and submit mandatory Alliance Suspension Report Form, if any (located in Team Manager Area).