North London Sports Association Inc.
1. The name of the organization shall be North London Sports Association Inc. (commonly referred to as NLSA)
2. The Logo of NLSA shall be the sole property of NLSA and the Volunteer Member Board shall authorize its’ use.
3. Committees shall be established at the discretion of the Volunteer Member Board.
a. The hockey Committee shall consist of sixteen(16) volunteer member board and have the primary responsibility to organize the hockey program for North London Sports Association Inc. The Volunteer Member Board shall consist of;
· President
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· 12 Directors At Large
4. The Volunteer member Board shall meet monthly unless otherwise agreed upon to administer the day to day operations of NLSA.
5. The secretary or designate shall maintain the minutes of each meeting. They will be electronically communicated to the Volunteer Member Board for review and accuracy and to be approved on at the next scheduled meeting.
6. A Quorum shall consist of a majority present of the Volunteer Member Board.
7. The Volunteer Member Board shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and are eligible for re-election. The President and Vice President are not up for election in the same year unless a resignation created the requirement.
8. The Position of Past President shall be a commitment of two (2) years to allow the current reigning President the opportunity to fulfill his role. The Past Presidents position is automatically filled by the outgoing President.
9. The President shall act as Chairman of the Volunteer member board and be a member ex-officio on every committee.
10. If any volunteer member of the board resigns or is removed the President may appoint a replacement on an interim basis until the official election at the Annual General Meeting.
11. If in the opinion of the Board of Directors or any two Officers, A fellow Director or Volunteer member is conducting themselves in a manner that is detrimental to North London Sports Association with consultation of the Board of Directors and Volunteer Member Board the President of the Volunteer Board has the authority to remove for just cause any Volunteer member or Director.
12. The Association fiscal year end four accounting purposes shall be April 30 every year.
13. The Annual General meeting of North London Sports Association shall be within six (6) months of the year end meeting. Not less than six (6) weeks’ notice of the time and location as determined by the Volunteer member board shall be publicly announced. Ten (10) voting members must be present for a Quorum.
14. The Volunteer member board shall meet monthly or at the discretion of the board.
15. Any Volunteer member who misses three (3) consecutive monthly meetings may forfeit their position.
16. A nominating committee will consist of at least the Past President or President. The nominations must be received at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting for any position being elected. Nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting may be accepted provided the nominated person is in attendance and willing to accept the nomination. Provided there were fewer advanced nominations. No nominations will be accepted for the Position of Officer unless the nominated person has held the position of Competitive rep or CHL rep or Registrar for a 2 year term. A Position of Officer is defined as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. At the sole discretion of the President can they nominate and fill a vacant position. Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors.
17. If there are more nominations then position up for election Ballots will be prepared for voting purposes.
18. In the event that there are not enough nominations to fill the vacant positions the Volunteer member board will recruit qualified candidates and can be nominated on an interim basis by the President.
19. To be eligible to vote or hold a position on the board you must have been a voting member for not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
20. The constitution may be amended or revised at an Annual General Meeting only. A Special general meeting may be held to approve interim changes on the approval of a majority vote of the Volunteer Members and Board of Directors. The By-Laws may be amended at any monthly meeting provided a majority vote and Quorum is attained.
21. Voting members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
22. Participating members must live in the Boundaries as defined by the GLHA or Honorary Life member. Past Presidents will automatically qualify.
Rev 6/2016