Budget and Finances
(These documents are not the only way to do your budget and finances, there just examples that have been used in the past)
Microsoft Word and Excel Documents
- Sample Community Account Letter, may be a requirement of your banking institution to setup a team bank account. If your coach is one of your signing officers and your banking institution needs someone from NLSA to sign the letter please contact the NLSA Administrator who will arrange this for you.
Sample Community Account Letter.doc
- Sample Budget Monitory Spreadsheet, this spreadsheet is very complex and detailed using many formulas across different tabs. If you decide to use this spreadsheet it is strongly recommended you don’t delete rows or column unless you are very proficient in excel.
Sample Budget Monitoring.xls
- Sample Reimbursement Expense Claim Form, used to reimburse coaches or other people affiliated with the team for out of pocket expenses. (E.g. Non Parent Coach mileage)
Sample Reimbursement Expense Claim Form.xls
**Note: To reduce the amount of reimbursements some teams have used a dedicated credit card for only team expenses. Usually the Coach or Manager acquires a credit card in their name as most often they make most of the purchase for the team. This also gives you a consolidated list of expenses. This should be done with the understanding that when the credit card bill is received it is paid immediately so the individual is not carrying the team’s debt.
- Sample Invoice, (E.g. maybe necessary to create a team invoice for sponsors to process or sale of ice to another team)
Sample Invoice.doc