North London Sports Association (NLSA) Concussion Protocol:
If a player receives a hit to the head and/or a player displays "ANY" concussion like symptoms the player is to be immediately removed from the ice/further play. The player is not allowed to return to NLSA ice until they have been cleared to do so by a Physician. NLSA also requires the player to have a Return to Play Authorization form completed, signed and submitted to the Trainer by the parents/guardian before they are allowed on NLSA ice.
Injury Protocol:
Any player that sustains an injury during practice or games requiring the player to see a Physician must have a Hockey Canada Injury Report competed.
All injuries must be recorded in the Team/Player Injury Log.
NLSA requires for any player injury, to have a Return to Play Authorization form completed, signed and submitted to the Trainer by the parents/guardian before they are allowed on NLSA ice. The Return to Play Authorization form is also a requirement for player injuries that may occur outside of North London Sports Association sanctioned events.
Player must wear complete hockey safety equipment (with no exceptions) before they are allowed on the NLSA ice.
Copies of each form must be must be kept by the team Trainer and an additional copy of each must be forwarded to the NLSA, Director - Risk Management [email protected]