Player Movement, Team Structure, HL Coaches Manual (North London Nationals Hockey)


PrintPlayer Movement



Player movement is restricted to the divisions set out by the Greater London Hockey Association where there is a shortage of players to constitute teams.    


(1)  All out-of-zone players must try out only in their own age division and must play in their own age division. 

(2)  Players must register and participate at their own age division.    


NLSA does not promote movement to older age division with the exception of Minor Midget to Midget and goaltenders where there is a need for goalie relief.


Under no circumstances are Coaches to exchange players without the knowledge and approval of their respective division Convenors. Division Convenors will immediately notify the CHL Representatives of any player movement for approval and finalization.


Any player wishing to move to a higher age division must apply to the Vice President - Hockey Operations. The final decision regarding players being moved to a higher division will be left with the House League Management Committee after discussion with the coaching staff of the teams involved.