Rules & Regulations, Nazem Kadri North London Classic, 2021-2022 (North London Nationals Hockey)

PrintRules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations here: RULES_Nazem_Kadri_North_London_Classic_2021.pdf

COVID_Guidelines_Tournament - *Update*
Teams allowed entry up to 30 minutes in advance of game.


Proof of second dose vaccination or exemption and a valid piece of ID is required for all eligible players, coaches, volunteers, bench staff, participants and spectators to enter any of our tournament rinks (including those born in or before 2009), unless exempted. Arena Health Screening will also be required for all spectators upon entry (paper based or QR Code Program). Everyone entering the arena must be wearing a face mask.

•Masks must be worn at all times in the facility and dressing room. Prior to going on the ice participants can remove their mask and enter the ice surface. Once back in the dressing room the mask must go back on.
• Dressing Rooms will be available and assigned for each group.
• Participants must remain in their dressing room until their ice time. Waiting and lingering in the hall is not permitted.
• Follow directional signage once inside the facility to maintain flow of traffic and appropriate distancing.
• All participants must depart the dressing room within 15 minutes after coming off the ice surface.
• Showers are available.
• RESPECT THE RINK – No spitting, no Littering, take out what you bring in!

City of London Vaccine Proof FAQ's


*Western Fair Sports Centre: Rules and QR Code

*QR Codes for all other arenas: Click HERE



  • If the tournament is cancelled due to regional or provincial COVID-19 restrictions, all registered teams will receive a full refund of team entry fees within 30 days of the cancellation decision.
  • No refunds will be provided to individual teams who are unable to play as a result of COVID-19 isolation protocols.
  • PLEASE NOTE: By law, the tournament’s host region must be in “Orange Level Restrictions” to allow gameplay. The decision to postpone/cancel a tournament will be based off the information made available by the Ontario Provincial Government and Health Officials two weeks prior to the tournament start date.
  • If restrictions require us to limit the number of teams in the tournament to accommodate enhanced public health protocols, North London Hockey will schedule teams by date of registration and payment. If we are unable to accommodate any teams, those affected teams will receive a full refund.
  • North London Hockey will email registered teams TWO WEEKS PRIOR if the event must be postponed/cancelled.
    • If the tournament is postponed: Registered teams may transfer to a tournament held on a later date OR request a refund of tournament entry fees.


  • All team spots will only be held once FULL payment has been received.
  • Any team requesting a refund up to, and including, the registration deadline will receive a full refund, LESS a $75 cancellation fee.
  • No refunds, credits or transfers will be issued if any team decides to cancel at any time or for any reason whatsoever (including inability to attend due to injury, sickness or weather etc.).